The CN Tower and the Olde Parliamentary Building.
A stunning view of the CN Tower, the tallest free-standing man-made structure in the world. It is approximately 3000 meters high.
The CN Tower and Tom.
Tom was awestruck. He stood there for hours.
He was eventually tempted away with promises of meat and liquor.
In general, Tom is easily distracted and wooed.
This bridge connects Toronto to the neighbouring city of Ottawa.
The Canadian National Brothel, a favorite and frequent stop for visiting heads of state.
The Church of Canada, recently converted to a temple of Cosmetology following the outlaw of Christianity.
Toronto's bustling financial district.
Deals were made!
Bargains were struck!
Jim and Tom at the Toronto Museum of Art.
The Japanese embassy.
Jim and Tom. The one on the left is Jim. The one on the right ate your cat.
Tom and Jim.
Tom. Jim. Jim is a native of Mississauga, a primarily Basque settlement near Toronto.
We were aghast at the sight of the war criminal Céline Dion walking freely about the city.
Dion ordered the nuclear sterilization of Delaware during the American-Canadian Wars of 1966-67.
Earlier that day: Jim in profile.
Moments later: Jim in profile, with chocolate.
This is "poutine", the national dish of Canada. It is made of fruits and tubers that cannot grow below the 45th parallel.
Doesn't it look delicious?
Toronto's meat-packing district.
The new Parliamentary Building of the Canadian national government. Toronto is the capital of Canada.
The Olde Parliamentary Building, converted to low-income housing in the mid-1970's.
The building comfortably shelters all new immigrants to Canada of the past 12 years.
You must correctly answer three riddles before making a night deposit at the National Banque of Canada.
This ornate guillotine welcomes commuters at the entrance to the Toronto subway.
The prime minister's residence doubles as a family planning clinic.
Rush hour gridlock. Toronto is famous for its perpetually snarled traffic.
Yonge Street, Toronto's renowned red light district. |
Three lovely guests at Jerry's jubilee.
Jerry, partially obscured.
Jerry, self-coronating. Long live Jerry!
Ever the humanist, Jerry invited both his silicon- and carbon-based friends to the party.
Shakara and Jim at the party. They hadn't seen each other in 27 years!
Shakara, the person between Shakara and Jerry, and Jerry.